
General Information
• Outdoor courts are available once weather warms up and ice has fully melted, generally at the beginning of April (weather permitting).
• Consult the activity schedule found below, or on the Facebook page, or email to find out more about scheduled activities (i.e., basketball, tennis, pickleball, etc.)
* Tennis court bookings can be made by Upper Windermere residents here
* May experience temporary closures due to social functions (i.e., Summer BBQ)
Rules & Courtesies
Court schedule will be enforced at all times.
Be respectful and considerate to others. The Leisure Centre staff reserve the right to ask for activities to cease immediately and/or ask users to leave the property if individuals are not adhering to the rules.
Residents that do not adhere to the rules in place will be removed from the premises and fob keys suspended. Review of suspension will be conducted by the Board and the resident will receive notification.

New additions to the facility for 2023 include:
New basketball nets: 2 stationary, 2 adjustable. Please ask a staff member to help you adjust the nets to the desired height when required.
Multipurpose court that includes boundaries for basketball, pickle ball, tennis and volleyball.
Four pickleball nets.
Residents will be required to bring their own sports equipment as none are available on site.
Keep up to date on events like tournaments and other events by joining our Facebook page, and by subscribing to our email list.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns related to the courts, please contact the office by calling (780)432-4444, or by emailing our facilities manager at wra.hoa.coordinator@gmail.com